Další název/názvy: PICTORIAL NEWS (OFFICIAL) 343-2 (Spanish version, fragment) [alternative]
Rok: 1918
Minutáž: 4 mins
Popis: The Queen emerges into the palace courtyard. The Land Girls march past, bearing banners about the importance of the Home Front, and with a hay wagon behind them.The Royal party shakes hands with the waiting management of the factory. The Queen goes to talk to three bedridden women whose bed-stretchers have been wheeled out of doors for the purpose. The Royal party walks through the various departments of the factory, talking with the women workers as the tour proceeds.Major-General H T Lukin, the divisional commander, listens to the bugles blowing the Last Post, then decorates two soldiers who won medals for the attack on Delville Wood in September 1916.The conditions are overcast, with a heavy sea running, and the ships are too distant to be clearly identified as they emerge from harbour out into the open sea. An SS airship is visible in the distance.
I. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on Queen Mary inspecting Land Girls outside Buckingham Palace, March 1918.II. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on Queen Mary, the Prince of Wales and Prince Henry visiting an aircraft engine factory in England, March 1918.III. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on a memorial service by the South African Brigade in Delville Wood, Western Front, 1917.IV. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on British destroyers hunting submarines in the North Sea, early 1918.
Klíčová slova: EFG1914 / World War I / Mary, Queen / Mary, Queen / Edward, Prince (Duke of Windsor) / Henry, Prince (Duke of Gloucester) / Lukin, Henry T / Women's Land Army / British Army, Div 9 / British Army, South African Bde / South African Army, South African Bde / Royal Navy / World War, 1914-1918 -- Naval operations, British / ceremonies, British - display / buildings, British - institutional: Buckingham Palace / delegations, British national - goodwill / industry, British - aircraft / medical, British civilian - long term / ceremonies, South African - event-related: memorial / operations, British naval - sortie / aircraft, British naval - airship: SS Type / 31/3(41) / 31/3(41) / 01/3(4-15).7 / 12/3(261.2).011 / GB, England & London, SW
/ GB, England / Delville Wood, Somme, France / sex -
Poskytovatel: Imperial War Museums
Práva: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produkční společnost: Topical Film Company
Barva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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